In general, we do not offer a return policy as all purchases are shipped in its original state and packaging as provided from the respective retail store. All items also undergo a rigorous quality check and are tagged before it is shipped.
We aim for every item to arrive in its original condition and hope you are satisfied with your purchase. If you receive an item that is found to be flawed or damaged, we implore you to contact us immediately with the relevant proof. If the items if genuinely found to be damaged upon inspection, we would then exchange the item for you.
Please note that once the item has been shipped, we would not be responsible for any damage caused to the item during the shipping process.
Refunds would only be available for the following scenarios:
- Items not in stock within 14 days for pre-ordered items
- Items are out-of-stock
- Purchase made does not fit the description of the item in the invoice
At your choosing, the refund can be converted into QX credits that can be used in your next purchase. Alternatively, you may opt for a separate item amongst the selections available.